Inspired by adventurer Sean Conway I booked a train journey from Paris to Rotterdam on Tuesday June 8th at 16:01. My goal was to cycle from Rotterdam to Paris within 48 hours. Quite exciting because with a headwind I’d never make it all.
Sunday June 8th at 12:45pm I departed from Rotterdam and the plan was to arrive by bicycle within 48 hours in Paris. I would shoot a picture of the Eiffel Tower and then take the highspeed train back to Rotterdam. For me, a 48 hours big cycle challenge.
The weather was quite changeable, from rain to torrential rain with lightning and wind. That made the ride quite heavy. In the end the adrenaline made sure that I managed to cycle into Paris at Tuesday June 10th at 12:30pm. Then I had to rush to first visit the Eiffel Tower and then check-in real quickly and board the train including the package of my bicycle. And I made it!
Yet it has become a truly memorable bike ride for me. I am very grateful that it worked out like this. Due to excessive preparation I needed to fight for it two days in a row. At the end I feel great from the result and of course thanks everyone for the amazing appreciations!
Here the facts of the bike ride from Rotterdam to Paris. You can click on the plus signs for more stats, the kitlist and photos.
Total distance:
474.22 km
Total time on my bicycle:
Total time:
just below 48 hours I cycled into Paris
Hours slept:
10 about 5 hours each night, first night restless from excitment and the second night due to a thunderstorm
Total distance end of day 1:
177.23 km
353.42 km
Average speed:
23.9 km/h
54.9 km/h
Calories burned:
Water drunk:
about 12 litres
Flat tire:
One after half an hour and one during a change of a casing because of the wear of one tire.
Scared to dead:
Cars that run by at the speed of 180 km/h and during a thunderstorm at 1:00am in the night with hailstones that nearly damaged my tent.
Moment that I wanted to stop:
Shortly after the French border, after an hour cycling in the rain with an havy headwind. I really thought that I was not able anymore to catch my train with this kind of weather. Fortunately, the wind shifted half an hour later and the sun began to shine.
Peugeot race bike with two clips (thanks to my dad)
Tire kit and spare tube
Iphone 4 for navigation with Co-rider application (after the French border I used the navigation of Google Maps)
GoPro Hero 3
Clothing, only a bike kit with extra bicycle sweater and a raincoat (I was quite smelly in the train)
Two frame bags for my camera and bicycle nutrition
Eureka Spitfire Solo Tent
Quechua extra light sleeping bag -5 to 5 degrees
SeatoSummit 13l lightweight waterproof bag for sleeping bag
Quechua inflatable pillow
Dryfoot covers for my shoes (does not help, a French rain shower and my shoes were soaked)
Topeak MTX Beam Rack EX carrier 7kg
Two bottles of water
A collection of gingerbread, energy bars, sugar tablets and pancakes from my girlfriend Lisa